Club Officers for the Rotary year 2024-25 - President Randy Ovcen, Vice President Hans Eichler, Secretary Garratt Glazlay, Treasurer Mandie Krohn. Pictured above: Immediate Past President Andrew Johnson, President Randy Ovcen, Vice President Hans Eichler, Secretary Garratt Glazlay and Treasurer Mandie Krohn.
Club Officers 2024-25
2025-01-05 05:00:00Z |
Attendees and Rotarians had an amazing time at our October 16, 2024 Rotaty Wine & Ale Tasting Event! It was a great time sharing the evening with all of you, while enjoying some delicious appeitizers prepared by Eileen Faul, wine selections from Pigeon One Stop, Ale from Rick and Nicks and mocktails by Mini Mule. Thank you to our generous sponsors and everyone who came out to support this fantastic fundraising event!
Pigeon Rotary Wine & Ale Tasting
Shelly Gunden
2024-10-16 04:00:00Z |
On October 18, 2021 our club hosted over 125 professionals for our Our Rotary Leadership Seminar with keynote speaker Michael Angelo Caruso on public speaking techniques and connecting with others. Michael has spoken on five continents and has helped raise over $250,000 for non-profit organizations, including Rotary. 
2021 Rotary Leadership Seminar with keynote speaker Michael Angelo Caruso
2021-10-18 04:00:00Z |
"Service Above Self" is the mantra that Rotarians across the globe are called to live by. One of the many service projects that our local club conducts is through the Michigan Department of Transportation and their "Adopt-A-Highway" program. Three times a year, you'll see Pigeon Rotarians wondering the ditch banks along M-142 making sure that our Thumb landscape is as pristine as ever.
2021-08-30 04:00:00Z |
2021 Community Paul Harris Fellow Award - In honor/memory of Robert Pobanz.
Paul Harris Community Fellow Award
2021-08-30 04:00:00Z |
At our March 2, 2020 meeting we welcomed the Friends of EPBP, Tyler Williams (Club President), Mike Richmond (VP) and Tom & Anne Ziel. They explained the positive impact they have achieved and how it benefits the students.
Friends of EPBP
2020-03-15 04:00:00Z |
Global Handwashing Day
2019-11-15 05:00:00Z |
Paul Harris Fellows
2019-11-11 05:00:00Z |
 What is it like taking a large team to Africa? It has probably been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. In mid February, I began leading Rotary members from all over the East Coast of the United States through Ghana. I’ve tried to give the team a warm Ghanaian welcome like I’ve received on my earlier trips. A large trip is a real blessing because each person sees Ghana and our work in a different way.
Saving lives in Ghana
2015-05-01 00:00:00Z |
 For years, Angalia Bianca had slept in abandoned buildings throughout Chicago. She stole. She did drugs. She spent time in and out of jail for forgery, theft, trespassing, and possession of narcotics. But after she landed in prison for the seventh time, something changed -- Bianca knew she wanted a better life. She just didn’t know how to make it happen.
Finding Safe Haven
2015-05-01 00:00:00Z |
Music has been an important part of leading an ordinary life for students at the Music School for Children With Disabilities in Honor of Paul Harris in Lublin, Poland. Founded by Rotary members, the school serves 20 students with various disabilities, including Down syndrome, autism, and visual impairments. The Rotary Club of Lublin-Centrum-Maria Curie-Sklodowska has provided funding with help from Rotary Foundation Matching Grants and the Henryk Wieniawski Musical Society, which houses the school.
Helping people with disabilities make their own music
2015-05-01 00:00:00Z |
 Throughout India and around the world, Rotary clubs are celebrating a major milestone: India has gone three years without a new case of polio. The last reported case was a two-year-old girl in West Bengal on 13 January 2011. To mark this historic triumph, Rotary clubs illuminated landmarks and iconic structures throughout the country with four simple but powerful words, "India is polio free."
India celebrates three years without polio
2014-02-26 00:00:00Z |